Welcome… to a place just for you! There is no one yoga or wellness tool that works for everyone. Each person benefits from their own blend of wellness tools that can be realistically incorporated into a -- let's face it: unprecedented life. No matter what your daily experiences consist of, there is room to create more relaxation, clarity, motivation and connection. Let's get together to redefine wellness in a way that works for you as we create a toolkit of experiences you can call upon any day, any time.


OT, yoga and meditation are all closely related. OT gives us insight into the way our body systems work; Yoga helps us to feel and experience our body systems -- Both modalities give us tools to optimize these systems.

Just like you and me, one is no better than the other, they simply have unique aspects to offer under the shared themes of health + happiness. When these modalities come together and combine offerings, benefit and bounty explode. From a clinical standpoint, OT has helped me understand and navigate my neurodiverse brain. From an energetic standpoint, yoga has helped me experience and love my full self. I look forward to seeing how these two practices continue to build, compliment and expand one another.

What I Teach + Why

I fell in love with Yoga long ago at a cozy 5:30 AM flow class before high school in Lagrange, GA. My instructor was warm and the vibe was kind. I will always be grateful for that little haven in which stabilized the start to each day in a transitional and turbulent time of life. Many years later, upon moving to Atlanta and searching tirelessly for a yoga community that felt genuine and welcoming, I found hOMe by reconnecting with a woman from my hometown (neighborhood, even!) who just happened to be teaching this weird Kundalini stuff. One class with Leigh Mallis and I was sold on something real – a reconnection to myself. Quickly after my first Kundalini class, I signed up for Leigh’s PranicSoul teacher training and became a certified instructor in Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Kundalini Yoga + Meditation. I love the variety these trainings brought as I now feel confident that I can offer individualized and optimized experiences to all students I encounter.

In my opinion there is no “right or wrong” way to Yoga. The practice is for you and will change with you throughout Life. I look forward to helping you find what Yoga looks like for you, both now and as you grow. 

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